When you can hunt bucks that are still on their summer patterns, they are much easier to kill. Once they start to disperse, it can really get tough.View post →
I took this great buck from a creek bottom in Kansas. These small creek bottoms compress movement patterns and that makes it hard to get in and out without being detected.View post →
The fifth buck from my Bowkill Series fell to an arrow from a stand along a fence line that spanned an open ridge. These are great locations during the rut.View post →
Waterholes are great places to hunt during the rut, especially those found close to secluded bedding areas.View post →
This was my only traditional trophy. I spent a lot of time during the off-season trying to perfect instinctive traditional shooting, but in the end, I was never as good as I thought I needed to be.View post →
Buck # 2 reaffirmed the lesson I had learned the season before about the value of bowhunting fence lines. This one came past my stand chasing a doe on November 10, 1991View post →
My first buck with a bow fell to a well placed arrow from a stand in a tiny tree along the edge of a four-acre wood lot. That season taught me a lot about hunting wood lots.View post →