Best Height for a Ground Blind

Ryan from Pennsylvania asks,

Bill, With all of your redneck blinds do you only use 5ft ladder section? I am picking one up on Saturday and I ordered the 10ft ladder section. I just watched your latest YouTube video and I am rethinking my decision..

Bill responds,

Topic: Best Height for a Ground Blind:

Best Height for a Ground Blind

For bowhunting, I prefer using only a five foot base/stand under my Redneck Blinds. This produces a better shot angle to vitals. In some situations, where the terrain requires it, or you plan to do some gun hunting from the same blind, a ten foot stand makes more sense.


For bowhunting I like the five foot stand and five foot ladder for the Redneck Blinds.  That produces a good angle to the kill zone with an arrow.  If it is going to primarily be a gun stand, then I think the 10 feet stand and ladder are the best choice. 

Also, the terrain will dictate to some degree too.  If you are setting the blind in low area, you will need the longer stand in order to have easier shot angles from the blind to anything within bow range.

If you are putting it on a trailer, I would not go above the four or five foot trailer stand that Redneck sells.  If you go higher, you risk making the trailer too top heavy and tippy. Good luck. (9/6/22)


Comments (2)

  1. roger shaw

    Bill ,I have a trailer that measures 5.5 feet wide. Will that width work for the Redneck trailer stand ? Thanks Roger

    1. Bill Winke

      Roger, I believe on the Redneck website they suggest a trailer at least five feet wide. In fact, the footprint on the trailer stand is 5 X 5 feet, so that gives you the minimum dimensions for the trailer. The wider and longer it is, the more stable the blind will be when moving and hunting, so that is something to consider. I always put jacks on the corners of the trailer (and you can build those out for more stability). I just get those off Amazon for a pretty low price. Good luck.

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