How My Season is Going

Josh from New York asks,

Hi Bill. Very happy to see this website. Long time follower of yours and was just wondering how your season is going. I'm sure your excitement level is quickly rising for these next few weeks!

Bill responds,

Topic: How My Season is Going:

Winke Blogs

This is the buck I am looking for. He is a good bit bigger this year. I saw him October 26 two hours before end of legal shooting time, but not since. I will keep after him unless something else catches my eye.


Thanks for the support. I have just spent a week hunting from October 25 – November 1 and have seen only a single mature buck so far. Lots of younger bucks, but not many older ones.

It is possible that there aren’t many in the area I am hunting, but I hope it just a matter of time. I didn’t have time to run cameras this year because the farmer in my hunting area didn’t get the corn out until late October.  

This next week should be more productive. Good luck. (11/3/21)


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