What if you Plant too much Seed

Jonathan from IA asks,

Bill- First off, huge fan. Congrats on the new farm and love Bowhunting Whitetails. Glad to have you back. I am a first timer when it comes to planting food plots. The farm is in Northern Missouri. I made the mistake of over seeding Big and Beasty in this .57 acre plot. I have an 8lb bag and some spilled in haste as rain was coming in fast. I had no used a whirly bird before so my learning curve was in effect. I ended up using the entire bag knowing not to over seed. Again, I was in a hurry and a bit flustered. I got the seed spread and packed just in time for a very good rain storm. My question is, should I spray and reseed or let it roll and see what happens. I know Frigid Forage says DO NOT over seed. I hate to have the plot choke itself out and not produce. I would love to hear your opinion. Thanks.

Bill responds,

Plant too much Seed

If you plant too much seed when broadcasting, it is best to wait to see how much germinates and then you can spot spray to remove a few plants here and there if they come in too thick.

Topic: What if you Plant too much Seed:


Thanks for the support and the note. I would wait to see what comes up.  If it is super thick, you can always spot spray here and there with a hand sprayer and thin it out, but if it doesn’t come in too thick you can just let it go. Good luck. (8/15/22)


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