Dream Farm P1: The First Purchase

How I made it 32 years on this planet and still only had $12,000 to my name might make an interesting story, but that is not today’s topic.  What I did with that $12,000 is the real heart of this seven-part series.  Over the course of 12 more years, I turned that modest nest egg (and some fortunate God-blessed timing) into a 1,000-acre dream farm. 

The same steps that I used to create what became known as the Dream Farm will work for you too.

Winke Farm

This is the 3,600 acre property that we bought into in 1995. At the time, we owned just 1/28 of the farm, but it was a starting point.


I started in 1995, by purchasing half of a 1/14 share of a 3,600-acre farm that was held as a sub-chapter S corporation. It is basically a fancy partnership. A full share, at that time, cost $80,000. That was back in 1995.  Land was cheap then – very cheap!

But despite being cheap, there was no way Pam and I were going to swing that amount.  I asked a buddy to split the cost with me. 

We first had to get permission from the corporation members to allow both of us equal rights of use – which they granted because they desperately needed the cash that our share purchase represented. 

I used our life savings of $12,000 as the down payment for a loan to purchase the $40,000 half share.  

Because banks don’t loan money to purchase shares of corporation stock, I had to take out a personal loan in order to get the bank to finance the deal.  Further, my sister had to co-sign and put up her Ford Explorer as collateral!  All that for a $28,000 loan.  Talk about a humble start!

Owning hunting land had been my dream for many years – and if I had to join a partnership to achieve that dream, so be it.

This is a realistic starting point for many people.  I am guessing that if you go into this land buying process with a couple of like-minded buddies you can pool your resources and purchase a decent bit of ground.

While I don’t love partnerships for land ownership, something I can get into later, you do what you have to do.

Looking back now, I am amazed how committed I was to the goal of owning great hunting land. I lived out the old saying, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” All I had was the will (the desire to own land) and not much else.

Even with a humble starting point like this, you can make the land dream happen if you want it badly enough. This path will require real effort and you will have to think creatively at times.

But, and here’s the big but, you have to start somewhere. I chose to start with a partnership because it was all I could afford.

Winke Farm

Shown to the bottom left is the 125-acre farm we bought after moving back to Iowa in 2002. This is where the house we lived in for the next 18 years was located.


I enjoyed hunting the partnership farm for the next 9 seasons. Just think what you can do with 3,600 acres in one block in Iowa!

Actually, we controlled 4,000 acres in one block because we also cash rented the farming and had hunting rights on the property to the east. That massive block was a whitetail wonderland. More about that later too.

But, despite the adventure of living on that place and doing all the management work, Pam, and I decided we wanted our own house. 

It took us four years, from 1995 to 1999, to pay off the loan we took out to buy into the partnership, to buy the other half of the share and then to save enough to create an acceptable down payment on a house.

Pam was working at a local college, so we lived off her income and saved mine. In 1999, we moved away from my home state of Iowa and bought a house on a golf course in southern Michigan – near Pam’s family.

At this point, Pam stopped working so she could raise our two young kids. However, my income as an outdoor writer was increasing, so we could afford to live on one income and continue saving a little bit each month.

Scaling back your lifestyle so you can save money is a huge part of any long-term investment strategy, and especially so with land. 

We lived in southern Michigan from mid-1999 until mid-2002. 

During the early spring of 2002 we decided it would make more sense to move back to Iowa so I could have good deer hunting out the backdoor and not have to travel as much given our young family.

Professionally, for a guy whose writing career revolved around whitetail hunting, that was a good move.

I continued to hunt the partnership and we were blessed to find a very nice house on 125 acres just a short distance from that property.  Larry Kendall, and his wife, owned the property and sold it to us for exactly what we had paid for the Michigan house. 

This is where the first real challenge came along. 

Winke Home

This is the view out the back windows of the house that we bought from the Kendalls in 2002. There were literally deer (and big ones) crossing our backyard. What a view!

The economy in southern Michigan was tanking at that time with some major shutdowns in the auto industry that affected all the small economies in that area.

Housing was dead, especially around that golf course.  Our Michigan house didn’t sell, we left it empty when we moved to Iowa.

Winke Home

This is the back of the house shortly after we bought it in the early 2000s, lots of windows to appreciate an awesome view of whitetail wonderland.

No bank would loan us the money to buy the Iowa property because my income didn’t justify two similar sized loans.

Larry was good enough to agree to sell the Iowa house and 125 acres on a short-term contract, which would buy us enough time to get the Michigan house sold and then refinance the Kendall farm purchase with a bank loan. 

We were stretched pretty thin at that time with two good-sized loan payments each month, but we now had what I called the dream home – a cedar A-frame with a gorgeous uninterrupted view and big deer living in the backyard.

It took more than a year to sell the Michigan house but once it sold, we refinanced the Kendall property with a bank loan and paid Larry off. This gave us a little room financially to start slowly saving money again, but that didn’t last long!


I really liked owning land outside of the partnership.  No one could tell me what I could or could not do on it and I took pride in the early management of those 125 acres. 

Shortly after we got Larry paid off in late 2003, I asked one of the older farmers that bordered the 125 acres if he would be interested in selling.  The husband and wife spent their winters in the south and didn’t actively farm the land any longer, so I figured it was a decent fit.

Winke Farm

Here you see the approximate borders of the first two properties I bought. They add up up to roughly 400 acres and this became the starting point for an all-out sprint to create a dream whitetail farm.

Land prices were going up fast, so I didn’t want to wait around much longer. I made them an offer and they agreed to sell. We ended up at a price that was about 10% above the current market for that kind of land.  It was 275 acres, much of it being timber.

The purchase price didn’t represent a huge sum in today’s market (roughly $290,000), but our financial situation was still not good enough that a bank would take on this loan, plus I don’t think we had enough cash for the full 25% down payment that the banks wanted.

I approached a wealthy friend who was willing to finance the property. Jack was one of the other owners of the partnership, and as a deer hunter himself, he saw the land as a good investment.  Not saying he wanted me to default on the loan, but I don’t think he would have been too upset if I had.

But I didn’t default, and now I had the start of a very impressive whitetail farm!  Buying more land became the carrot hanging in front of the donkey; I was the donkey.

I kept grinding away on my writing business, adding photography in an effort to create additional income to support this land buying push. By now I was working nearly 80 hours per week.

People sometimes asked how I was able to keep acquiring land (and I was far from done at this point in the story) on an outdoor writer’s income.  I always asked them how much land they could buy if they had two full time jobs. 

Fortunately for me and my family, my business was such that I could work from home (self-employed).  I could set my own hours.  Despite working a lot, I didn’t miss too much of the kids’ activities growing up.

But, with more land comes more debt. Those loans created stress.  But that stress served a purpose too.  It is hard to reach your potential without some stress.  So, on the upside those farm payments did force me to be productive because if I wasn’t, I would have to sell the land.

So, at this point in the story, 2004, the Winke Farm was roughly 400 acres and we still own the share in the partnership property which was about 1 mile away as the crow flies.

Winke Farm

Property Two was comprised of a huge valley with fields scattered on the side, filled with beautiful oak timber.


I was constantly doubling down on the land bet.  We didn’t have any other savings. 

We were all-in.  It was a good investment, but it was also more than that; it was my dream.

I am still a long way from the eventual 1,000 acres. There are many, many more side roads in this path. I don’t want to cut any of it out because I think the way this all came together is an amazing gift from God – making it inspiring and highly instructional for anyone trying to live out this dream.

I will break with Part One of the Winke Farm, but you can read Part Two here.

Comments (19)

  1. james Farnam

    Thanks for the great information Bill. The amount of work and dedication that went into obtaining your goal, is admirable and inspirational. Glad to see you back sharing knowledge and experience on any platform. May 2021 be prosperous.

    1. Bill Winke

      Thanks for the support James. I will keep updating this site and see where it leads.

  2. Lance

    What a great start to the story, Bill. We are on a much smaller scale than you (72 acres), but have a chance to buy the neighboring 28 acres. The land is overpriced for what it is, $70,000 for it. There are additional parcels of 18 and 15 acres that I could possibly eventually buy (if they sell. Even then, this dream farm would be 133 acres in a high pressured area (lots of 5-10 acre pieces and homes around it. Would you recommend going all in here, or find another place to build a dream farm?

    1. Bill Winke

      If possible I would want my “Home Farm” to be in the best possible deer hunting neighborhood that is close enough to where you work/ live to be reasonable.

      It takes a long to create the dream farm so make sure you are starting in the right place.

  3. Tim

    Happy someone shared the link to your new site! Always enjoy the reading and the stories.

  4. Cody

    Bill, thanks for sharing your story. Thirteen years after your first episode on MWW, I’m still learning and following in your footsteps with similar passions. Now I’m in my mid 30’s and hope to be getting close to finally buying land.
    How in the world did your wife go along with all of this? I think maybe she should interject and add a few of her thoughts to this! You don’t speak of any, but did your obsession and push for buying land cause difficulties in your marriage? You and I’s paths sound similar, but I’m certainly not getting the same agreement from my wife! She isn’t 100% against it, but certainly not on my side. We aren’t talking much either, just hoping to buy 60 acres of ground in an easement to get my feet wet.

    Thank you again for sharing your stories with us. Dreaming big is a little easier when you hear full blown stories of others in very similar circumstances that were successful- even your #1 hunting idol.

    Best of luck in your new journeys!

    1. Bill Winke

      I think you have to make sure you are covering all your daily financial commitments and have the land saving/buying budgeted so it doesn’t become a source of tension. It is an investment like any other so there is no reason not to invest in something you love. However, regardless of what it says on your financial statements, hunting land is really only an asset when you sell it. It is a liability in the meantime, unless it produces enough income to pay for property tax and upkeep. So, if you don’t have a separate “retirement” savings account, and you put all your money into land, like we did, you will need to sell it someday (or part of it) when the time comes to retire. But, I bet that is a long ways off and you have plenty of time to figure that out. I would just make sure it is part of a budget that you can both agree on. Good luck.

  5. Robert Hart

    Thank you for taking the time out to continue writing and bringing us content. You are literally the reason I have ventured off into the outdoor industry world to truly apply myself. I hope to be able put together my own Dream Farm here in Central MI. Glad to have found you again out here in the digital world. Thanks for the stories and information sir!

    1. Bill Winke

      Robert, thanks for the kind words and the support. I sure hope you can put it together too. Where there is a will, there is a way – it really does apply. Good luck.

  6. David Heppner

    Glad to see you back at it Bill.

    1. Bill Winke

      Thanks David. I will keep adding content here and see where it leads. I appreciate the support.

  7. Bill Winke – Land Purchase’s – The Kings Deer

    […] Dream Farm P1: The First Purchase It all starts on Bills blog – what a goldmine of information! Author thehoughgroupPosted on November 5, 2021November 5, 2021 […]

  8. Milo Miller

    Hey Bill-
    You knew you couldn’t hide from me forever-lol!
    So good to see you back at it online. An amazing story about your land acquisition. God is a powerful resource! But He expects a lot from us and you did not disappoint.
    I hope you are enjoying some excellent hunting in your home area!
    Take care-

    1. Bill Winke

      Thanks for the note Milo. I appreciate it and thanks for finding me again. I have had good hunting back home and it has been great to see family more often. That was the main reason for the change and it has worked out well. Have a great day and don’t be a stranger.

  9. Dave Anderson

    Glad you’re back Bill! Missed all of your content. Looking forward to reading and watching more. Applying your tactics in the field allowed me to bag the biggest buck of my hunting life. Thanks again and best of luck to you.

  10. Dawson Gore

    Hey Bill I have always been a huge fan of you and your team. You have also motivated me to go after land the Winke way. Me and my wife recently secured two different properties and I have already put boots on the ground doing tsi and food plots . Just wanted you to know i learn so much from you and truly appreciate the man hours you put in and share with us . Together we Dream Big I just need to record more which I am and is fun ! To me a whitetail is the most interesting creature on the planet.

    1. Bill Winke

      Thanks Dawson. I appreciate the comment and I congratulate you on getting started on the landownership journey. It will definitely keep you busy but should be a great long-term investment for you and your family. Best of luck and keep Dreaming Big.

  11. Harley

    You first must have the dream. When I was 16 yrs old I told my girlfriend that I was going to have a farm someday. We’ve been married 46 yrs now and blessed to purchase our dream farm in 2018. Sacrifices were necessary to make this a reality. Rarely ate out. Raised our daughters on venison, wild turkey and all sorts of wild game. Didn’t have air conditioning in a vehicle till I was 44. For ten years a $300 1970 Maverick became our family vehicle. I was making $3/hr when we got married with no benefits. My wife became a stay at home mom to raise our two daughters for the next twenty yrs. Things were tight. Did taxidermy as a side hustle. That experience quickly taught me where big bucks were routinely being harvested. With much divine intervention we were able to purchase 244 acres right in the heart of big buck country. Since the purchase, three B&C bucks have been killed in the vicinity by our neighbors. Two 200+ inch bucks that we know of have been harvested within five miles of us. We’ve had multiple giants on our cameras but they’ve so far managed to elude our hunting family. Our twenty trail cameras have caused me to be overly selective. The genetics are there. I’ve held out for one particular buck for five years. He is a main frame 6X7 with tons of trash at his bases. Owning the farm has been a great blessing to our family. It keeps getting better as my oldest daughter was able to purchase an adjoining farm with a nice house. Planning to build a house there and make the move. Our land started as a blank canvas as it was all timber. Met a great local dozer operator and he has constructed a 4ac lake, four large food plots and multiple roads throughout. Always finding ways to improve the farm. Control burns, wild hog trapping, predator trapping, fruit tree and foodplot planting all take much of my time. Two smaller lakes to be built this month. From once having only three turkey on our cameras, our projects/improvements have increased our flock to over 100 turkeys on a single 30sec video clip! Really enjoy watching you and your family live out your dream as we live out ours.

    1. Bill Winke

      That is awesome Harley. Really impressive improvement in this property. Good job and congrats on realizing the dream.

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