I broadcast Big N Beasty onto dry ground. For the past two weeks we have had some rains. Seeing minimal germination, should I plant something else there? View post →
I am planning to pull together all my available funds and make my first land purchase. What should I prioritize to make this one successful? View post →
The power company set some poles in one of my food plots and basically ruined the soil in part of it, what can I do to improve soil quality there? View post →
I have read several comments made about you offering a consulting service. Is that service taking place? How do I reach you regarding consulting? View post →
Can you offer any source for good information about timber stand improvement? Specifically, do you know of any good places to learn more about species identification? View post →
Since does carry some of the genetics that determine a buck fawn's antler size, is there a way to tell which does to shoot and which ones to leave when culling does? View post →
You say you used to plant your entire farm to corn; did you do that year after year? Did you see declines in production? Did you also have small clover plots for summer food? View post →